On this page you can find a location map as well as a list of places and services available around Melnik: Hotels, restaurants, sports facilities, educational centers, ATMs, supermarkets, gas stations and more.
Services near Melnik Please click on the checkbox to the left of the service name to show in the map the location of the selected services.
Shopping Chemist - 141mLilly Мелник, 73 София Phone: +359 2 828 4875 Opening hours: Mo-Fr 08:00-20:00; Sa 09:00-18:00; Su 10:00-18:00 Furniture - 477mVidenov Furniture бул. Сливница, 125 1309 София Phone: +359 89 221 7863 Supermarket - 151mLidl бул. Сливница, 236 1309 София Phone: +359 800 14141 Opening hours: Mo-Sa 07:30-22:00; Su 08:30-21:30 Supermarket - 295mFantastiko бул. Сливница, 65 1309 София Opening hours: 7:30-22:00 toys shop - 241m - бул. Сливница Hardware Store - 255mColorificio Veneziano бул. Сливница Hairdresser - 122m - Варна Hairdresser - 263mBest Choice бул. Сливница beauty shop - 227mCacao бул. Сливница houseware - 221m - бул. Сливница Bicycles - 605mBike Center Русе, 2 Clothes shop - 251mKristina бул. Сливница Clothes shop - 262mLoraG бул. Сливница, 133 Clothes shop - 285mЛиния Чавдарица charity - 231mHumana бул. Сливница Shoes - 254m - бул. Сливница Shoes - 270m - бул. Сливница, 133 cosmetics shop - 288m - Чавдарица Computers shop - 282mNoortech Чавдарица pawnbroker - 272m - бул. Сливница, 133 pawnbroker - 279mЕврокомерс Чавдарица copyshop - 279m - бул. Сливница, 133 Mobile Phones - 265m - бул. Сливница, 133 Gifts shop - 277m - бул. Сливница, 133 Alcohol - 275m - бул. Сливница, 133 Grocery - 187m - Варна shop-vacant - 430m - бул. Сливница, 125 Tyres - 546mРадиал Русе, 1 Car shop - 489mНик Ауто Крум Хр. Стоянов motorcycle shop - 492mGmoto Георче Петров Connected streets List of streets and squares connected with