On this page you can find a location map as well as a list of places and services available around Площад "Каменица": Hotels, restaurants, sports facilities, educational centers, ATMs, supermarkets, gas stations and more.
Services near Площад "Каменица" Please click on the checkbox to the left of the service name to show in the map the location of the selected services.
Shopping Convenience shop - 171mMinimart Зефир Convenience shop - 350mMinimart бул. Източен Convenience shop - 352mБунтар по природа бул. Източен, 49 Convenience shop - 341mВоденичаров Богомил copyshop - 240mСтил Проект Ралица Chemist - 446mДезин Хим Маяковски, 22 4017 Пловдив Phone: +359 32 621 817 variety store - 245mЛевче Ралица variety store - 371mДомашни потреби "Мони" beauty shop - 185mМариета Зефир Bakery - 720mBakery бул. Княгиня Мария Луиза Opening hours: Mo-Su 07:00-15:00 Hardware Store - 491m - Иларион Макариополски Electronics - 105mDekom бул. Източен Grocery - 129mАнна Зефир, 4 Hairdresser - 155mВанели Зефир, 4 Hairdresser - 323mKaragyozov бул. Източен, 49 Supermarket - 116mКокала Зефир Furniture - 113mSPE Doors Марин Дринов cosmetics shop - 229m - Confectionery - 518mШарлот Зорница DIY shop - 430mKid Group Иларион Макариополски car parts shop - 605m - Богомил paint shop - 614m - Богомил, 62 Clothes shop - 368m - Богомил Alcohol - 195mНон-стоп бул. Източен Opening hours: 24/7 Alcohol - 383m - Bogomil, 59 Alcohol - 359mНон-стоп бул. Източен Opening hours: 24/7 coffee shop - 340mBee - Coffee & Beer бул. Източен, 49 Opening hours: Mo-Fr 08:30-19:00 Sports Shop - 312mBotev Fanshop 2 бул. Източен, 10 4017 Пловдив Phone: +359 89 307 9069 Opening hours: Mo-Fr 10:00-18:00 Butchery - 606m - Богомил, 62